Electors in B.C. were fooled by Liberals

Misinformation, negative attack ads worked to derail NDP hopes

Liberals are ecstatic and the B.C. NDP depressed, and why wouldn’t they be?

Nobody projected the miraculous recovery of the B.C. Liberals, and most assumed a NDP government taking over.

However, enough electors decided otherwise, so we are faced with four more years of the Liberal juggernaut in office.

What can we learn after the initial shock has devastated our mindless assumptions?

One disturbing factor might be the importance of negative messaging and attack ads. The Liberals were merciless in exploiting every little idiosyncrasy that Adrian Dix exhibited or not, making them appear as monumental flaws which spelled disaster if he were allowed to take hold of the premier’s office.

The NDP decided from the start to ignore and not respond to the Liberals’ misinformation. Was that the right decision? Everyone can identify at least one or two gross examples of Liberal mismanagement and incompetence over the past 12 years.

And yet, enough voters were entranced by the sound and fury of fabricated scandal and mischief that they kept their belief in the merits and worthiness of most incumbent Liberal MLAs to return the party to power.

What were they voting for? More of the same with a thin veneer of hype, reinforcing the idea that life would be wonderful the way it had been engineered by Liberal leaders and party in the past?

A travesty, yet one which prevailed and produced the desired results by the big money people who own and control the B.C. Liberal party.

We might sober up and realize what a mistake we made, but that’s the way we do politics in beautiful supernatural B.C.

Dale Perkins


Victoria News