Electric scooter story paints a false picture of eco-conscious riders

As for riding on trails, maybe they should think about putting speed limits on trails before kicking us off them.

I can’t believe all the rubbish you guys published about electric bike riders in the Victoria News (Electric scooters causing conflict on area roads, Jan. 25).

I am not a drunk who lost my licence and I have never hit and killed anyone. I ride an electric scooter as a single mom who doesn’t have the means to buy a car, pay for the insurance and gas.

Daycare opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 5 p.m. I couldn’t make it in time to work by bus.

It only costs 25 cents per day to charge and I make no green house emissions. It’s my option to be able to make it, and not have to be on welfare.

No, I don’t do it for exercise because I get plenty when I’m at work, I don’t sit all day and push buttons. Drivers are already disrespectful with me on the road and what you wrote is only going to make it harder.

As for riding on trails, maybe they should think about putting speed limits on trails before kicking us off them. Spandex-clad cyclists zoom past me yelling insults, they don’t slow down when there are children or elderly people walking by and they pass on curves.

I think it would be nice to think about the full impact of what you’re putting in your paper before you publish crap that can be damaging for good people who are just trying to make a life for themselves and their children.

(Up) yours truly,

Roxane Lafrance




Victoria News