Elks report a successful summer

I have saved the best news until last. We have not one, not two, but five new members

Editor, The Times:

Hello to the good people of Clearwater and surrounding areas.  This is Phyllis talking about my favourite organization, Clearwater Elks #499.

How did your summer go? Just fine I hope. We had another successful breakfast season under our belts.

Thanks to your love of our pancake breakfast, we were able to give substantial donations to Clearwater Food Bank, Clearwater Royal Purple, Elks Purple Cross Fund, Salmon Arm Elks, Clearwater Fire Department, Royal Canadian Legion, and BC Families.

Also, we have our best ever Xmas Fund. A local needy family will get a very nice Xmas wish to help their Xmas be just a little more special.

Reading over our pancake breakfast guest book I have to include Japan, Russia, Holland, Sweden, Australia, and others too numerous to mention. It was nice to see different people and explain what pancakes are. One little boy from Russia signed our guest book; they were the first words he had every written. We always enjoy meeting people from other countries.

The vendors that use our parking lot over the winter will be inside the hall this year. That should make it a little better for them; they might even have a coffee for you to enjoy too. They will be at the hall every second Saturday starting Nov. 12 until April. Dates will be posted in hall. Doors open at 9 a.m.

We will have a craft auction at the hall on Nov 24. It will start at 9am. Be sure to drop by.

The Elks Bazaar will be on Nov 26 and 27, starting at 9 a.m. Be sure and look at what the talented people of Clearwater can do.

We also have Bingo in November and December, the second Sunday of the month. North Thompson Aboriginal Centre sponsors this.

The seniors workshop is held in the Elks Hall the second Tuesday of the month. There is a a lot to learn about getting old (Bah humbug). Seriously, there is a lot of help out there to assist us in our Golden Years. Also, we have a nice lunch and get to visit, exchange stories and just relax. Lynn does a very nice job organizing these sessions.

AA hold its meetings every Tuesday, 7pm – 9pm.

I have saved the best news until last. We have not one, not two, but five new members. Can you believe this? These people can move and bend down and are not afraid to say, “Can I help?”  This is just wonderful. Thank you for joining Clearwater Elks #499.

The hall’s kitchen has had a makeover and new appliances installed. It was in need of love and attention. Thank you, Debbie and Dusten for your help. Could not have done it without you.

We have planted red and white tulips to help celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday next year.

I would like to welcome Nancy, who just moved to Birch Island from Vancouver Island. I hope you enjoy Clearwater and surrounding area.

Well people, I must close. I wish you all the best over the winter. See you at breakfast on the first Saturday in May.

Phyllis Bucknell

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times