Embrace progressive move forward

And the Citizen being too partisan? I absolutely disagree with you. I see them as extremely fair.

I’m sorry Mr. Brackenbury [letter, Feb. 12, Citizen), but the perspective of Bob Jones was right on the money, in my eyes. And the Citizen being too partisan? I absolutely disagree with you. I see them as extremely fair.

There has never been and will never be a more partisan Conservative newspaper chain then Paul Godfrey’s Postmedia. You talk about an embarrassment to honest and real journalism. Mr. Godfrey forced a Harper endorsement on the front of almost all his papers. His papers have always heavily endorsed Harper’s corporate Conservative ideology.

Also, the Conservatives made their own bed, and now they will have to lie in it. Period. Canadians had had enough of the Harper dictatorship and his gang of minions, who stood by his every poor decision.

If I were you I would embrace the progressive move forward for our country. We have.


D’Arcy Rattray

Mill Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen