Empire Days belong to citizens, not council

Congratulations are in order for the Nanaimo Empire Days Celebration Society in refusing to bow down to the unreasonable censoring.

To the Editor,

Re: Society recommends cancelling annual Empire Days events, Feb. 24.

Congratulations are in order for the Nanaimo Empire Days Celebration Society in refusing to bow down to the unreasonable and offensive censoring demands that the 140-year-old event succumb to pressure to eliminate the proud name of the society to receive taxpayer money – not council members’ monies – to continue a long and enjoyable occasion.

Mayor Bill McKay mentions the allegedly vicious word may just offend the native band, which may strive to maintain its own history, but would destroy the history of another culture.

D.F. ConnorsNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: Society recommends cancelling annual Empire Days events, Feb. 24.

OK, skip the word ‘empire’ if you must! replace it with ‘Queen Day;’ we could celebrate Queen Victoria Day, our own May Queen, and our present Queen Elizabeth II.

I have a humble suggestion for the March agenda of city council: Do away with all Christian, Catholic, saints’ names in Nanaimo, starting with St. Patrick’s Day March 17. I am sure we could find someone who will be offended by this Irish saint who banished the snakes from Ireland. For instance maybe the SPCA and snake owners, etc.

Eileen LittleNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin