Enbridge to Prince Rupert makes sense

As we continually get bombarded with commercials highlighting the benefits of this pipeline, I still have this burning question.


As we continually get bombarded with commercials highlighting the benefits of this pipeline and how they are there to protect nature, I still have this burning question that I just can’t get past.

Has no one looked at a map of B.C. lately?

Why would you want to end the pipeline at Kitimat and then take a long and narrow path out to open ocean when you could just carry on the pipeline a short distance to the Skeena River near Prince Rupert?

From this location there is a closer and direct path to open ocean.

It seems absurd that Enbridge should risk taking a ship through such narrow channels from Kitimat, putting the entire B.C. coast in peril of an oil spill, when they could easily navigate the waters near Prince Rupert.

Kevin Marston


The Northern View