Energy debate

Chronicle letters to the editor


I truly enjoyed the town hall seminars with regard to development in Ladysmith that the Town of Ladysmith undertook a few years ago.

In none of the discoveries I attended; however, was it suggested that if we demanded it we should outlaw hydro-electric heating in the new developments and so require that solar panels be part of every development.

This solar grid could be stored to feed not only the block but the town energy grid.

I feel a great deal of inadequacy when I realize that in no way can we make it clear to the Town of Ladysmith that to allow housing developments which use antiquated electric heat, to have no green power source, no grey water management to be developed in the guise of new-home affordability and common sense is to patronize one’s intelligence.

The bar is so low that in no way can the local free market be pushed to excel at the future for their own businesses or to know what is necessary to create a 21st century green society, a just culture or anything greater than a present situation of a collection of refugee camps.

The town council generally enjoys the experience of being patted on the back as progressive yet is sitting firmly in the ideal of the mid-20th Century, but I would be so pleased to be proved wrong.

Jacqueline Leitch-Murphy


Ladysmith Chronicle