Engineering expertise appreciated on council

Letter writer happy to see Dave Harris running again

A couple of weeks back I was very disappointed to read that Dave Harris had chosen not to run for another term as Councillor.

As someone who has lived and worked in Harrison for 20 years I know that Harrison is not the easiest place to be a Councillor, especially when people are throwing unfounded accusations your way. However as someone who has been involved in development, building and construction I also understand the importance of having someone on Council with a background in building and engineering.

Dave Harris has that kind of knowledge and I know that a lot of people like me who understand that, put pressure on him to rethink his position and run again.

I am happy to see Dave has been convinced once again to offer his knowledge and common sense to help move Harrison forward and regardless of what happens in the election want him to know a lot of people value his efforts.

Frank Peters

Agassiz Observer