Enjoy what we have

Perhaps, just perhaps the weather is finally turning and we can expect some nice weather, especially with the upcoming long weekend.

The Victoria Day long weekend is usually the time when people start planting their gardens, heading out to the campsites, fishing, hiking and enjoying what the area has to offer. It’s almost summer and as west coasters we revel in the sunshine and head out to those beautiful places so prevelent all around us. We can finally get rid of the rain slickers and gumboots and replace them with sandals and sweatshirts.

This winter has been a long one and many are saying it has taken a toll on them mentally, physically they haven’t warmed up yet. The spring has been cold, apparently the coldest April on record. That was then, this is now. When the sun shines everyone forgets about the rain and the cold. This weekend forget about all of the chaos and politics and get out there and enjoy our gorgeous outdoors.

Many head out to Port Renfrew on the May long weekend and it should be noted that they don’t want you out there if all you come to do is party. The police will be out doing road checks and sobriety tests. and your vehicle will be impounded if you are caught behind the wheel drunk. Port Renfrew is enjoying an economic boost to their community with the new vacation cabins being built and the tourists who come to see Avatar Grove. They want and need this influx and it is great to hear that things are looking up in that community.

If you are not planning on traveling this weekend, how about getting a head start on cleaning up your neighbourhood and planting a few flowers? Enter your  business or neighbourhood in the Communities in Bloom competition and see if Sooke can make a great showing this year. Pride of community shows in many ways and this is one way you can contribute.

Drive safe and please don’t drink and drive. It isn’t worth it.

Sooke News Mirror