Enjoying the intangibles of every day life

There are a couple of things in life that are, inevitably, unavoidable.

There are a couple of things in life that are, inevitably, unavoidable.

Death is one, it awaits one and all. Once in a while we can dawdle our date with destiny if it claws at us a wee bit early but eventually one simply exhausts all existing evasive tactics.

Taxation,  another vexing fact of life. There are some who believe they are smarter than the taxman, but most realize that those folks exist in a fools-paradise; the government will always get you. Much like death, taxation catches you up, sooner or later.

Depressing? Well, life isn’t always just; the good often meet their demise too far ahead of a seemingly fair date and larger income-earners (who can afford expert tax-advice) appear to pay less income tax (as little as is legally avoidable); a seemingly unjust advantage, unavailable (unaffordable) to the average-Joe.

Some things in life must just be accepted; stalwartly swallowed not unlike terrible-tasting medicine but, as a rancher, take heart in the knowledge that you possess (enjoy) great riches that the taxman can never touch.

They are the everyday miracles of Mother Nature, daily life outside. Birth, the struggle to survive and thrive, the glory of seeing 40-50 mule deer in one group, of watching a half-dozen eagles battle — flapping their great wings at one another as they vie for the same piece of afterbirth, witnessing a fawn’s birth (the wee one so scentless a coyote or dog cannot smell it), so many more wonders never experienced by most.

All adding up to un-taxable amounts of untold wealth that enhance our lifestyle immeasurably. Intangibles, that no amount of money can buy.

Happy Easter and good luck to all the Williams Lake Bull Show and Sale-contributors and Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo competitors. Our city will be bursting at the seams. Enjoy the long weekend.

Liz Twan is a rancher and freelance columnist for the Tribune.


Williams Lake Tribune