‘Enough already’ with council

Re: ‘Councillor should work within the system’ (Letters, July 24)

Editor, The News:

I have just read Morgan  Jensen’s letter and had to reply.

His comments justify Coun. Corisa Bell’s actions in that he totally misunderstands what took place.

Rather than a comment from the CAO, the issue started because Coun. Bell felt she had been misled in regards to questions about the municipal budget.

As a councillor, she has the right and responsibility to get answers and be satisfied with them.

The majority of the public supports her.

Mr. Jensen is right, however, stating “enough already.”

With all the problems Maple Ridge has, let’s move on.

The whole issue has been severely mishandled by Mayor Ernie Daykin.

His actions, at the advice of the district’s legal counsel, has created a problem instead of resolving it.

It is time for the district to seek different legal advisors, as the existing ones seem to be out of sync with others as identified by this paper.

Ms. Bell has two choices, start legal action against the district for slander, as the district’s handling of the situation has brought  her character wrongly under question, or drop it and move on.

Ask even tougher questions, demand more detailed answers and wait for the next election, when  hopefully she will be joined by a majority of new councilors and a new mayor, who, like her, are tired of the status quo and stagnation attitude of the present administration.

The real problem is the dismal turnout during election time.

Most of the councillors were elected by fewer than 10 per cent of eligible voters.

The fact that successive councils have allowed the administration to run Maple Ridge instead of taking their rightful roles as our leaders has caused a total frustration of the electorate.

Nothing will change in Maple Ridge until the people who refuse to vote get off their duffs and vote in people who desire a different role for council and a different future for Maple Ridge – a future that requires change, something the present administration refuses to implement or even consider.

Graham Mowatt

Maple Ridge

Editor’s note; Mr. Mowatt ran for Maple Ridge council in 2011, but was not elected.

Maple Ridge News