Enough honking

Finally, someone has commented on the people who congregate every so often, at the busiest, most congested intersection in our little city.

Finally, someone has commented on the group of people who congregate every so often, on both sides of the road at the busiest, most congested intersection in our little city, holding placards that urge drivers to “honk for peace.” (Wayne Duke letter, March 25, The NEWS).

Even though they mean well, they are doing nothing to bring peace to the world, but they are creating a real distraction/hazard for drivers who should be paying close attention to the road, not reading placards and honking their horns as they drive through a busy intersection.

Also, what about the merchants trying to conduct business around there, or the people living in nearby residences? How annoying those honking horns must be.

I totally agree with Duke’s comments, “Of course we would all like to see world peace, but really, is this the way to go about it?”

I am surprised that the RCMP or the City of Parksville hasn’t put a stop to this practice before now. Does someone have to get rear ended or killed before they put a stop to this distraction?

Gayle Webster


Parksville Qualicum Beach News