Enough with the downtown parking already

Editor: Parking no matter where you live, for the most part is very challenging.


Parking no matter where you live, for the most part is very challenging.  If your business is reliant upon the drive-by traffic, you need to be addressing the issue with billboards and directional signs channeling the potential customers to your doorstep.

This is Burns Lake remember, not the Champs Élysées  in Paris.  I can’t remember the last time I was drawn in to a business because of a catchy sign or a well decorated store-front in any port of call.

Any one that has been in business knows all to well the challenges faced with local shopping and trying to draw in the clientèle from outside the community.

We need to firstly draw the people to the community, establishing a core that is desirable and appealing.  It is then up to the business’s to draw them in.

Because the way the community was first laid out does present it challenges for redesigning the infrastructure, and irregardless of the outcome not everyone is going to be completely satisfied.

Location is key in business, but also key factors are quality of goods, reliable and friendly service and a keen sense of competition.

I am thinking perhaps we should be focusing on these issues and let the village people get on with it.

Sam Moroski


Burns Lake Lakes District News