Ensure extra transit for events

Fusion Festival crowds not adequately served.

A few weekends ago, on the weekend of the Fusion Festival, I was trying to get to Langley for a party and stood among 20 people passed up by a full 502 bus at King George Station on Saturday evening at 9:30 p.m. I didn’t stay around that long after missing it, but I can imagine that the next bus – after 30 minutes – was also full.

After I got home, I checked the TransLink website and didn’t see any alerts for extra service in Surrey. I did see other upcoming alerts for Vancouver and North Vancouver, two cities that often get extra transit service arranged for events (the Caribbean Days festival in North Vancouver warranted 10-minute frequencies on the SeaBus – better than at rush hour)

The City of Surrey should have a responsibility to request and ensure that extra transit is there for major events. The Fusion Festival is arranged and expected to accommodate more than 100,000 people, so I’m astounded that our council and city staff could not ensure the extra transit service to accommodate that sheer volume.


Daryl Dela Cruz, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader