Environment first

Resident upset over Stickle Road and the Commonage

We live in a supposed democracy, but various authorities and businesses ignore and refuse to listen to the concerns of environmentally concerned people and sometimes residents and senior homes in an area.

Of course the first issue I am referring to here is the Stickle Road/20th Street extension proposal.

Perhaps some of that work has already started  behind Rona on 20th Street despite many letters.

Somehow that work may have already started without any one being aware of what was happening.

That’s what the Ministry of Transportation  and developers do, and then say, it’s too late to stop when there are any protests.

Any meetings they held were merely to inform and convince us this was the correct plan to follow, all in profit-making, business-oriented mode.

Another issue is our disappearing grasslands in the Commonage.

Remaining grasslands are now under threat of developments and there seems there is little people without money can do about it.

Once we have made our air, water and lands so polluted it can no longer support life, it will be too late,

Pamela Jenkins



Vernon Morning Star