Environmental group says cull process not humane

I would like to provide a few of the many statements from experts about the cruelty of the Clover Trap and Captive Bolt Gun.

I read that Mayor Taft has stated “the ‘Clover Traps’ are metal cages, which when triggered cause the back door to close, and the trap to collapse. Having the trap collapse prevents the deer from struggling and keeps them contained and calm.

“The deer do not try to escape. The deer do not cry like babies. When the bolt gun is administered the deer dies instantly. Fawns or baby deer are not the target of the cull, and it is unlikely that the contractor will kill any.”

I would like to provide a few of the many statements from experts about the cruelty of the Clover Trap and Captive Bolt Gun:

The Humane Society of the United States — “We firmly believe that it is impossible to ensure that this technology is used correctly enough in the field to provide a humane death to deer. Captive bolt guns are designed for use on restrained animals in highly structured and controlled environments. Even there, the ‘humaneness’ of these devices has been called into question. These guns were not designed for use on wild animals under any circumstances and certainly not as a management tool for white-tailed deer.”

Dr. Peggy Larson, animal law and veterinary medicine — “This is a very inhumane way to rid yourselves of excess deer because of the extreme fright experienced by the deer and because the captive bolt does not effect a clean kill when the animal’s head is not immobilized. The misplaced bolt does not always kill but merely wounds the deer making repeated attempts necessary to kill the struggling animals.”

Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights (AVAR) — “AVAR is opposed to this cruel method of capturing deer because it subjects them to extreme stress and suffering before they are killed. Deer struggle and kick, often fracturing a limb or sustaining other injuries. If the deer moves his or her head at the time the bolt is fired, the deer will be painfully wounded and the struggle continues until additional shots are fired.”

Dr. John W. Grandy, Ph.D. wildlife biologist, senior vice president of wildlife and habitat protection, Wildlife Land Trust, Washington, D.C. — “Captive bolt guns were designed for use on restrained domestic animals, typically in slaughterhouses. The ‘humaneness’ of this device has been called into question under those circumstances. There is ample documentation about the cruel, slow deaths suffered by domestic animals even in slaughterhouses. These guns were not designed for use on wild animals under any circumstances.”

Please also see Lifeforce’s Boycott BC Deer Kills Facebook page.

I urge you to postpone any deer kill until Lifeforce and others can provide updated information.

Peter Hamilton

Lifeforce Founding Director


Invermere Valley Echo