Environmentalists off base on petroleum

Anne Morris wrote a long letter in the June 30 edition outlining what Mother Nature is doing in regards to climate change

Anne Morris wrote a long letter in the June 30 edition outlining what Mother Nature is doing in regards to climate change, then tells us in the title of the letter “action on climate change needed now.” She fails to give any suggestions but I am wondering if, perhaps, we should be setting up ice machines across the Arctic, the Antarctic and in Siberia. The sun is a powerful force and I fail to see how we can fight it.

I have a question for all the environmentalists who are opposed to the petroleum industry and the LNG shipments to Asia. I suspect Anne is part of that group.

Have you ever spent a 24 hour period beside the CPR tracks and counted the number of rail cars of coal heading to Vancouver?

Then have you doubled that to account for the CNR shipments as well?

Then have you calculated how many thousands of tons of coal are going from Canada to Asia?

What is that coal used for? It is used to generate electricity. I know this because I made inquiries when I was in China, Malaysia, and Thailand in January. So here we have at least two billion people getting their electricity via dirty, highly polluting coal.

If those people care about the environment they would probably prefer much cleaner burning natural gas. But they can’t get it because the environmentalists here won’t allow its development. If these people don’t care about the environment your actions here are virtually useless.

All this tells me that our environmentalists don’t really care about the world environment. All they care about is to stop a major part of Canada’s economy.

How about showing you really do care by discontinuing the use of any petroleum powered vehicle, stop using natural gas for heating and cooking, stop buying anything made from petroleum products, stop smoking any substance whatever.

A tall order so go for it.

Alfred Schalm


Salmon Arm Observer