Environmentalists should fight fires

This occurred to me as I passed a couple of people hitch hiking to Tofino with “save the trees” written on their backpack.

This occurred to me as I passed a couple of people hitch hiking to Tofino with “save the trees” written on their backpack.

Again this year, as I have for the last 40 or so, it has been very interesting to watch the battle against forest fires in this province. Millions and millions of trees destroyed by fire. And more importantly, by the stupidity of people causing said fires. It’s not a pretty sight. Three cheers to the brave and selfless people who battle these things at the risk of injury and death to themselves. These firefighters really seem to care. Hats off to them. Which brings us to the point of this letter.

Where are all the environmental groups and their followers? They seem to be absent on the front lines? I have watched also for the last 40 years or so how the “save the trees” people have run amuck in this province. I have seen reports of people pounding spikes into trees that kill and maim loggers, live in trees to save them, and use lies, propaganda and borderline terrorist tactics. All under the guise of “save the environment.”

Where are these people now? They seem to be absent from the fight.

I keep looking for the promo photo of David Suzuki holding a fire hose or riding “shotgun” in a water bomber. Surely the Suzuki Foundation could scare up a few helpers to battle the blazes?

Where is Paul Watson these days? Grab a fire hose. I thought you cared about trees. Apparently only when it’s convenient and easy and a good photo op?

What about PETA, the animal champions? It’s OK to destroy peoples lives and property in the name of animals, but thousands of animals a day are being killed and displaced by these forest fires. Where are they? They could be helping keep the animals safe by doing some real good. And what about all their friends in the Sierra Club? There are thousands of them. With all that help, these fires could be licked in hours? But, no, they seem to be helping out from a very, very safe distance.

If these people and groups really cared about the trees, they would be on the front lines putting their actions where there mouths are.

Even if they are not capable of being on the front lines due to age, or whatever reason, they could help in a support capacity, could they not? Transportation, logistics? Bringing water and food to the real firefighters?

Mike WeismillerParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News