To the Editor,
Re: Doctors warn of burnout at new ER ward, April 6.
My mother is 85 years old and woke up in significant pain for no apparent reason.
She lives close to the hospital, but having experienced significant wait time myself that resulted in a burst appendix, I called an ambulance believing she would be seen immediately versus driving her myself.
I met her in the new emergency department at approximately 10 a.m., she had just arrived by ambulance.
She waited until 3 p.m. to see a doctor – so much for going to ER by ambulance. The doctor was exceptional and ordered pain meds for her as she had gall stones and was in significant pain.
The nurses were so busy it took another two hours for her to get a shot, she then spent a day and a half in emergency as there were no beds.
This is absolutely not working. The staff are doing what they can, but cannot handle the volume.
Linda Sartorio