Errington drivers

It is absolutely amazing the amount of drivers who ignore stops signs, speed limits and generally drive dangerously.

I have lived in Errington for five years. It is absolutely amazing the amount of drivers who ignore stops signs, speed limits and generally drive dangerously. A driver we saw one night this week took the prize for the worst we’ve seen.

It was dark out when a little Smart car coming east on Grafton whipped around the corner going south onto Leffler. The driver never slowed, just turned the corner and sped away. We were headed home that way and saw this car on Middlegate Road where it drove into a yard. My husband said he has seen this car before early in the morning running stop signs and speeding on many occasions. It’s only a matter of time before this irresponsible driver causes an accident or worse.

Another day I witnessed a dump truck run the stop sign at Grafton and Errington. The next morning a young man cruised through the stop sign onto Leffler from Grafton and he had an ‘N’ on his car. I was driving that way and by the time I got to Ruffles the young man was at the far end. I didn’t see any brake lights as he turned left at  Bellevue Rd. His speed must have exceed 100 km/h.

In the summer a new stop sign was erected at  Bellevue Road where it’s a right turn onto Ruffles Road. The police just need to park around the corner on Ruffles and probably would be able to ticket 75 per cent of the cars that don’t bother stopping at this sign. A couple days ago a man in a small SUV came around the corner without stopping with his cell phone stuck to his ear. Talking on the cell phone is extremely prevalent even though there are laws against it. I’ve seen moms driving their kids to Errington School holding phones to their ears with their kids in the car and driving distracted and not coming to a full stop.

There are lots of folks on the roads with kids, dogs, horses or riding bikes. The speed limits and stops signs  on any road are for everyone’s protection I hope people wake up before something tragic and totally preventable happens. And by the way,  this isn’t only a problem in Errington, it is just an indicator of how many careless people drive on our roads today without regard for anyone else.

Kathleen HaftnerErrington

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