‘Error’ should be reversed

The competence of the DFO is called into question by letter writer

The proposed destruction of the Bill James dam is cause to question the competence of DFO. Is past performance an indication?

In 2001 the Dept. of Justice was forced to stay proceedings in the prosecution of Timberwest for “harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat in an unnamed tributary of De Mamiel Creek contrary to s. 35(1) of the Fisheries Act.” … “The reason is that a DFO staff member (who is no longer with the department) visited the site prior to logging and advised the proponent that the stream was not utilised by fish and therefore protection was not required for fish habitat. It was the Crown’s opinion that this is a clear defence of officially induced error.”

Source: Factual Record, BC Logging Submission (SEM-00-004)

Maybe this time DFO can reverse the “officially induced error” before whomever is making it is no longer with the department.

Terrance Martin


Sooke News Mirror