European Union lending a Trojan Horse to Greek populace

My advice would be to reject the EU salvage and let the banks go bankrupt, says letter writer Larry Ewashen...

To the Editor:

(Re: “This is the Life: Greece financial plans should come from within”)

Lorne Eckersley’s July 9 column sure had me fooled. He began to describe a pristine prize real estate undergoing a ruthless sale to the banksters.

I was sure he was going to describe the crusty Liberals’ selloff of various B.C. resources, which rightly belong to the populace, but in this case would be sold off overseas in a locked-in no-guaranteed-future 25-year sale, with no guarantee for jobs (mostly offshore) or increase in royalties for the next 25 years to account for fluctuating prices and adjustment to increasing climate change.

In this period of drought, there was also a million-litre giveaway of another precious resource, our water, to multinational conglomerates for pennies for a million litres while the rest of us were urged to conserve water by contemplating whether or not to flush our toilets.

The minister had an Orwellian explanation for this bizarre outrage, saying that if they increased the rates it would indicate that B.C. water was for sale. This was not a water sale, it was an access fee, and so had to remain at the ludicrously low rate.

Lorne went on to talk about the Greek bankster take over. They too, should be aware of the European Union (EU) banksters bringing gifts. This was the Trojan horse to enslave and put the population into penury while they continued to fill World Bank coffers, at the expense of the suffering populace, including the privatization and sale of their public resources. My advice would be to reject the EU salvage and let the banks go bankrupt, as Iceland did — let the banksters swallow their own well-oiled petards and solve their own problems. They are the ones looking for a bailout.

Iceland seems to be doing well with a rising employment rate and a gradual payoff of its deficit.

Former World Bank senior attorney Karen Hudes weighed in on the “Grexit” no-go. She said, “This whole business about Greece owing the money is a scam!”

She said all of the people in all of the countries need to stand up and call this scam for what it is — and the truth is that the paper money always fails. She said that we need to cut these bankster “creeps out of our pockets”!

Larry Ewashen


Creston Valley Advance