Evidence for infinite alternatives lacking

Faith in creation and evolution linked, reader writes

Re: Evolution happens naturally, regardless of where faith lies (Letters, April 20)

I’m with Ruth Magnusson (Letters, April 13). I think to accept evolution as a sufficient explanation for life as we know it requires a lot of faith.

John Taylor’s letter disputing that contains its own contradiction. He talks about the animal breeders who developed different types of domestic animals and who inspired Darwin’s famous theory.

But Taylor’s example obviously requires very intentional and rational breeders. Darwin’s theory, however, depends on countless tiny, random variations turning out many higher orders of living beings purely by chance.

Precisely because the odds – as calculated by various mathematicians – are so staggeringly against the present orderliness evolving in this way, some proponents of the godless explanation for life have resorted to the science fiction story line of an infinite number of universes to improve those odds.

If there were such an infinity of universes, surely on one of them, or so goes the theory, life could have evolved in such an unlikely way.

Evidence for this infinity of alternatives is completely lacking, of course: that is why we say faith is involved in the evolutionary theory.

Even more faith is required when you realize that Darwin’s theory, like Darwin himself, is ultimately the product of random chance variations, at least according to the theory.

On the other hand, according to Magnusson’s theory, God created Darwin in His own likeness – with reason. And He created all life likewise in a rational, ordered and loving way, which is the true meaning of the Genesis account of Creation – a way that easily includes evolution.

Steve Weatherbe


Victoria News