Evidence shows pot has medical benefits

Re: Legalizing pot isn’t appropriate answer, Letters, Jan. 7.

To the Editor,

Re: Legalizing pot isn’t appropriate answer, Letters, Jan. 7.

I think Raegan Eisfeld really needs to rethink the strategy in comparing legalizing marijuana to legalizing B&Es and rape.

I find it offensive that this person would write a letter with this message. They have obviously not experienced two things: smoking weed and getting raped.

There is outstanding evidence that pot can help people who are in the most need of it. Cancer paitents who otherwise cannot eat. Multiple sclerosis patients who cannot operate without painkillers that attack your liver and kidneys, putting even more strain on our already overloaded health-care system.

All you have to do is look at California for a scale of how medical marijuana works once it is lealized and regulated.

The tax money alone is invaluable – so long as it goes either back into the health-care system or our school system. Shocking isn’t it, how such a bad thing can have such positive benefits to all of the community?

If Eisfeld ever had any experience with gangs, drugs and violence, she would know that 90 per cent of the gangs involved in heroin and crack sales will rarley bother with selling weed.

I remind her that heroin in its many forms is widely used as painkillers. I don’t see her protesting cancer patients and herion addicts for using oxycontins. Nor do I see her petitioning the pharmaceutical companies to stop manufacturing opiates, which are 85 per cent more addictive.

Ashley Suggett


Nanaimo News Bulletin