Evolution letter missed the point

Evolution within species not at issue, origins of species are

I happen to tend towards believing in the theory of evolution, even though there is much we do not yet know. But I think John Taylor (Letters, April 20) missed the point of Ms. Magnusson’s letter (Letters, April 13).

He gives dogs as an example of how evolution works – that one kind of dog can be bred to have certain characteristics. Taylor imposes preconceptions upon this fact because he believes in the theory of evolution, but this does not prove anything about the origin of species.

That evolution occurs within species was not rejected in Ms Magnusson’s letter. The point of her letter was that evolution cannot account for the origin of the species.

But enough on a subject that is in its infancy and about which we still have so much to learn, or reject. Believing in the theory of evolution does not make it so; it could be called faith.

Joan Davis


Victoria News