Examine reasons for state of decay

Linear thinking and a lack of vision are the primary causes for Summerland’s sinking into a state of decay.

Dear Editor:

Here in Summerland, we’re experiencing a “staying the course” attitude in spite of what’s been indicated by some.

Linear thinking and a lack of vision are the primary causes for Summerland’s sinking into a state of decay.

We like to blame the big box stores, outside shopping centres and online shopping for our shrinking business sector, but none of those offer interesting or enjoyable shopping experiences. People just go there to buy stuff — stuff that’s available anywhere.

Summerland has the ability to become a destination, where people enjoy shopping, people watching or window shopping, whether local or from away.

Specialty stores, street events and lively, colourful surroundings encourage good humour and these are attractive features of a healthy and welcoming community.

Our area has a rich and fascinating history, unique and colourful and one which could be brought to the fore to create a compelling village experience for local citizens and visitors alike.

It’s time to encourage some creative thinkers to get to work with the support to make this a place we want to be part of; a community where we work to the common good and not one where all sorts of little groups work in isolation and without cohesion.

Many small towns have done just that to revitalize themselves. We could too.

It’s good for the economy and it’s good for the residents to be proud of where they live.

And young people don’t leave as soon as they are able when the atmosphere is healthy and they really like their town.

Ron Stacy



Summerland Review