Exceptional patient care


Re: Dentist censured for ‘substandard’ care, Jan. 9.


Re: Dentist censured for ‘substandard’ care, Jan. 9.

The intention of this letter is to demonstrate the absolute confidence we have in Dr. Randy Narayan’s abilities as a dental professional.

Twenty-five years ago, when we moved to the White Rock area, I went in search of a dentist to care for my husband, our then teenaged daughter and myself. We were fortunate to join Randy’s practice, and over the years he provided the best in dental care for all of us.

In fact, on one occasion when our daughter cracked her bridge, it was after-hours and I left a message on his office line expecting to hear from him the next day. Imagine our surprise when Randy called back within 30 minutes and, after determining the nature of the problem, advised us to meet him at his office immediately so that he could take temporary steps to ensure our daughter’s safety.

I don’t know of any other dentist who would open his office after hours on a Sunday night. We were absolutely in awe of this man’s dedication to his patients’ well-being.

Over the years, my dental needs were sometimes challenging, and Randy never failed to provide details of his planned treatment, and he always called in the evening after the treatment to ensure that all was well and I was in no discomfort. Every family member received this same courtesy, even after something as minor as a filling replacement.

As our family grew to include a son-in-law and subsequently our granddaughter, they also became patients of Randy’s. In fact, our granddaughter was always quite happy to go and see ‘Dr. Randy’ because he has a special way of dealing with children and manages to put them completely at ease.

As a family, we are deeply saddened by the toll Randy’s personal difficulties have taken on him, and we are outraged by the public humiliation he is being subjected to. We wish to go on record as being absolutely satisfied with Randy Narayan’s conduct and completely confident in his capabilities as a dental professional.

If and when he decides he is able to return to the practice of dentistry, we definitely hope to be first in line to rejoin him as his patients.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to voice our opinions on this matter.

John & Pat Harila, and Heather, Bradley & Veronica Axam, Surrey



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