Exercise like a dog

You would not expect your pets to sit all day and watch TV. You make sure they have clean water and healthy food.

You would not expect your pets to sit still all day and watch TV. You make sure they have clean water, healthy food which probably costs more than your own and day care if you can’t exercise your pet.

We give our pets fresh water and good nutrition because we love them. We do not offer sugary treats because they are not really treats at all, but poison. How come humans forget this innate wisdom and refuse water and good nutrition in favour of just another cookie with coffee?

What about exercising ourselves?

I encourage you to release your ‘inner dog’ and take that 20-minute walk or dig or romp every day, no matter what. Would you be depriving yourself? No, you’d be demonstrating self-love, and reaping positive health benefits very soon.

Victoria Fabling

Qualicum Beach

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