Existing taxes should fund transit

Who is paying for all those new interchanges between the Port Mann Bridge and First Avenue? I do not see any tolls on them.

Mayor Dianne Watts has stated that the regional mayors are looking at road pricing.

We are already paying a road pricing tax and that is through the ever-increasing gas tax, which has already paid for the roads.

And for us south of the Fraser, when we get to a bridge we must now pay to cross them, while those living in Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver and Richmond enjoy an unencumbered, toll-free road system.

And what did Surrey get? A RapidBus down King George Boulevard.

RapidBus is an oxymoron, as there are 25 controlled intersections between 16 Avenue and King George SkyTrain station, along with traffic, weather conditions and stopping to pick up passengers.

I would also ask, who is paying for all those new interchanges between the Port Mann Bridge and First Avenue? I do not see any tolls on them.

Asking the federal and provincial governments to contribute is well meaning but they are just a bigger pond with a lot more fish and only one taxpayer – again, us.

The mayors should demand that the carbon tax be used for what it was intended – carbon reduction and go directly to transportation.

Take heed mayors, introducing a road tax would be committing political suicide as people are already over-taxed and fed up.

Work with what you have and use the taxes already raised for what they were intended.

Treat tax dollars you already have as you would your own household spending and live within your means.


J. Edwards


Surrey Now Leader