Experience is a good thing

It should be an interesting election, and we should make it a civil one as well.



Experience is a good thing

So Jack Holliston thinks Jayne Ingram is the best choice for mayor. He is entitled to his opinion; what he is not entitled to is belittlement of other candidates because they have been previously unsuccessful, or to claim that Mrs. Ingram would be the change it is time for. If having been on council previously disqualifies Bob Day and Ross Forrest it must certainly do so for Jayne Ingram as well.

My thought, without in any way wishing to be disrespectful to those candidates who are running without it, is that previous council experience is an asset for one who wants to be mayor. It should be an interesting election, and we should make it a civil one as well. After all, we are not Americans.

David Lowther

Mesachie Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen