Explanation of firing needed from Creston library board

Regarding the prolonged time period between library annual general meetings, it appears the board has learned two political lessons well...

To the Editor:

(Re: “Creston library board sets AGM for September”)

Regarding the prolonged time period between library annual general meetings, it appears (to the cynic in me) that the board has learned two political lessons well. First, that when a controversy arises one should delay acknowledgement and discussion as long as possible. Second, that the greatest asset that boards have is the painfully short attention span and memories of their audience — wait long enough and people will just forget about almost any issue.

As a supporter of Ann Day, I am pleased to assure the board that my memory is in good order and hope on Sept. 18 to hear an explanation of “without cause” that does not treat interested parties as apolitical morons. The vapid rationale that the deferral is “in the interests of continuity” does not strengthen my hope. Rather, I fully expect that those who continue to question the decision to terminate Ann will be treated to canned, carefully wordsmithed statements crafted under legal advice to ensure that such explanations are truly content-free. There will be no difference between explanations in September and explanations today.

The delay is unnecessary. The reasoning is specious.

Those who have benefited from a superb library led by a capable, dedicated individual deserve better.

Michael Byrne


Creston Valley Advance