Spice of Life column

Spice of Life column

Eye doctor visit challenging, but worth it

Brenda is done with cheapo drug store reading glasses, goes for a proper prescription

In this time when we see great surges of COVID–19 cases in the States where folks threw caution to the wind, gathered in great groups of human flesh, some figured the media was spewing a big hoax on them. The results are now in full swing.

What does all this have to do with us? Maybe those who feel they are invincible to the virus might take care to protect those around them.

All this went through my mind the other day when I went to get my eyes checked. I was told to be ready for the exam. Arrive on time, knock on the door and then follow instructions given by a nice worker.

I put on clean underwear (did that at home) and was ready as I can be. Hand sanitizer-done. Temperature-good. Face mask-not so good. Darn thing would not stay put. Hook it around my ear and twang the think would come off. Finally, I had it secured. I saw a big X on the floor and prayed they would not want me to stand there so I could be weighed.

Off to the first exam room. By now the mask was still leaving my face so the examiner found another mask for me that worked very well.

Read the letters. Did that. Since I am blind in one eye, I was finished quite fast. Next, I was told to sit. Chin here. l looked in the hole for the hot air balloon. Found it. A bright light or two was done to measure something or other. Off to the next room. Wait for the doctor. He came along. Look here and a few more bright lights. Next some drops. Sit and wait.

I went through this process because I wanted glasses that had the reading part included. I have 20/20 vision after cataract surgery. That’s 20/20 after having 20/300. How about that? I don’t need glasses but I need eye protection from the sun and other flying bits. One eye is what I hope to keep.

I wore sunglasses and bought drug store reading glasses. Darned annoying. The explanation about that is the pile of broken reading glasses beside me. I said to myself “why not get everything in one pair of glasses?” That is what is about to happen. With lots of help, I was soon told that in three weeks I will have a system that will help me a lot. Can hardly wait.

I had worn glasses for 73 years so I am sure I will get right back to the routine.

I will remember to use a mask when I must. I now know I need a mask that fits better. Thanks to everyone at the FYI optometrist office who helped me with the process. You made a big difference.

You can call 250-846-5095 or just email mallory@bulkley.net.

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