Face-lifts for Burns Lake businesses

Editor: It would be wonderful to encourage the businesses of Burns Lake to a face-lift.


It would be wonderful to encourage the businesses of Burns Lake to a face-lift. I have noticed many towns in BC are painting murals on their stores. What a wonderful idea for the town of Burns Lake. Just two examples would be  Home Hardware and CIBC. The small businesses along the Highway through and  throughout town would be great painted different colours with murals as well.

Perhaps the murals could depict the rich history of Burns Lake and surrounding areas.  Is there any chance the existing highway through town could be rerouted to prevent the main traffic and large trucks from passing through the downtown core?

Perhaps it could be built in a way that still encourages highway tourist to come in  and visit our town and businesses. We need to brighten up our town and make it interesting to existing families and tourists to come in an shop. I am sure their are  some wonderful artists in this town that would paint scenes of the past on our  shops..thanks and looking forward to the change. “


Rose Bailey


Burns Lake Lakes District News