Failed Western interventions laid seeds for unrest

While I share the sadness of all Canadians following the Paris attacks, I cannot understand the shock, anger and moral indignation

While I share the sadness of all Canadians following the Paris attacks, I cannot understand the sense of shock, anger and moral indignation so often expressed.

Western nations have been overthrowing governments, appointing and removing dictators, bombing and invading sovereign Middle Eastern nations for the better part of a century, leaving in their wake almost two million dead and countless lives crippled and destroyed.

As a direct consequence of these failed interventions, over 16 million Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees languish in camps, living with the daily terror of suicide bombings, fearful even of the skies as drones cruise overhead.  Under the false pretence of a war against “terror”, we have become terror. How then can we profess shock and moral indignation when others seek to harm us? Far better to listen to the message: powerful nations can no longer exploit weaker nations at will, without living in fear themselves.

While condemning violence in any form, it is clear that on this small interconnected planet, security, peace and freedom will henceforth be shared by all nations, or experienced by none.

That is the choice we face.


Mike Ward


Cowichan Valley Citizen