FAITH: Spring brings gladness and foreboding

Rev. Allan Walker of the Qualicum Baptist Church is this week's faith columnist


NEWS Columnist

Spring is definitely in the air. We have all rejoiced with the wonderful sunshine that comes our way even as we await more of the spring showers which bring May flowers.

With spring comes new hope — hope eternal. We are no longer in the dark, dreary days of winter. People are getting out in their gardens, for walks, talking with neighbours over the fence, watching the bountiful birds of the season. For many in our area, this is a season of rejoicing even as they wonder what will happen next. There is a definite gladness, but also a certain foreboding.

One lady, after she contracted cancer, was determined not to let her illness dictate her last days. She had watched as a neighbour, who had similarly been sick for months before her eventual death, sat on her porch awaiting the inevitable.  Even though Helen was weakening she was still strong in her spirit.

She continued to do as much as she could.  She kept up with her family and acquaintances.  On Easter Sunday, knowing this would be her last Easter Sunday on earth, she bravely, with faith, made it out to church to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.

Helen was able to carry on because she was determined to do so and also on account of the faith she put in God.  She didn’t feel sorry for herself.  She knew that death awaits us all in due time.  She also had put her hope in Christ, His resurrection, and her own resurrection to come.

We can learn a lot from people of faith.  It helps us to rely on God, doing our best with Him helping us.  No one knows what you are going through except yourself.  God, however, sees, He cares, He sends His comfort, He is sending to you other helpers, He will be with you.  In the days, weeks, and months that lie ahead He will be with you and with us all through this journey of ours until He calls us home.

Pastor Allan Walker ministers at Qualicum Baptist Church

Parksville Qualicum Beach News