Faithful prayer

Rawlin Falk shares his faith-based column with the Observer readership

Ephesians 6:18-19 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. (NAS95)

There are many Scriptures that encourage us to pray. This Scripture gives some direction for those who find it hard to know how to pray.

1. First, Paul tells us to pray at all times. When is a good time to pray? All the time! In every circumstance. When you feel good and when you don’t. When you feel worthy and when you don’t. This gives us the confidence that God is ever present and willing to listen. He is near to those who call on Him. When the presence of God seems to have left us, it is possibly because we have neglected to pray. Begin to pray again and the sense of His presence is renewed.

2. We are to be alert to pray with perseverance for all the saints. That means everyone you know. Those you like and those you don’t like. Pray for them all. As people come to mind, pray for them. Invite God’s answers for the dilemmas that your friends are facing. Thank Him for the goodness He shows them from day to day. Pray that they will find His will in their lives. Persevere.

3. Pray for those in ministry. Pray specifically that they will have wisdom in their presentation of truth. Pray that they will be bold in presenting what God gives. Pray that they will have a teachable spirit, growing in their own faith while they help others. Pray for fresh joy and willingness in their serving. Pray for open doors to use the gifting God has given. Pray that they will face temptation in the strength of the Lord rather than their own strength.

Make prayer a priority, determining to grow in this wonderful privilege of talking with the King of Kings.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer