Falcon should take HST defeat seriously

I definitely do not want this man on any B.C. government negotiating team dealing with the ultimate resolution of the defunct HST

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive.

Kevin Falcon still doesn’t get it. He was right and we the public are wrong and now we are to be punished for our stupidity.

I definitely do not want this man on any B.C. government negotiating team dealing with the ultimate resolution of the defunct HST, he rants on about the billions that the citizens of B.C. will have to pay the federal government.

First, the federal governments hands (and in particular, Mr. Harper’s) are definitely not clean in the brazen attempt to undemocratically impose this huge HST tax grab on the citizens of B.C. Steven Harper was all too aware how totally wrong, as well as undemocratic, this whole failed tax grab was, and the $1.6 billion would have just been another transfer payment for a have-not province thanks to the gross financial mismanagement of B.C.s economy under the “BC Fiberals,” never mind all the extra money that has already been collected and will continue to be collected over the next couple of years thanks to the HST.

If the Liberals or the federal Conservatives have any thoughts about punishing the citizens of B.C. for the democratic rejection of the undemocratic HST outrage foisted on to the people of B.C., they had better rethink their strategy as the other foot has yet to come down.

If any of them want to survive this fiasco, they had better make it go away as quickly, quietly and painlessly as humanly possible.

The Fiberals are the bad guys here, not the voters of B.C.



Wayne Clark,

Maple Ridge


Surrey Now Leader