Families come first

Feb. 11 was British Columbia’s first ever Family Day

Feb. 11 was British Columbia’s first ever Family Day.

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend with your loved ones. Perhaps you were able to spend the day at home with your family or out-of-town relations.

Our government realizes how important it is to support British Columbian families, and that’s why we created the Families First agenda.

We realize that in times of global economic uncertainty, our government must do even more to help families make ends meet, help the most vulnerable among us, and keep our communities safe.

I know it can be an expensive challenge to raise a family. Our government has gone to work to find practical ways to make things affordable for you and your family. For example, we’re committed to keeping your taxes low and government spending under control, so we can deliver substantial benefits to B.C. families.

As our economy continues to grow and diversify, we’re putting in place supports that help all British Columbians share in the benefits. Under our Families First agenda, we’ve tailored government programs to assist B.C.’s most vulnerable families and we’re introducing balanced reforms to our income assistance policies.

Another cornerstone to our Families First agenda is safe communities and strong families. With your input on community values and safety, we’re making the justice system more effective and accessible. You’ve also shared your ideas to improve policing in the province.

Just as we followed the wishes and suggestions of British Columbians who contributed their views last summer that helped us shape the BC Family Day statutory holiday, your ideas and feedback concerning Families First BC agenda – family affordability, supports for vulnerable families and safe communities – are been listened to.

With your input, let’s make B.C. even better for families.


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