Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Family appreciates support

"It was a wonderful ceremony, made more so by the participation of so many individuals and organizations."

We would like to thank Trail and surrounding communities for the outpouring of support and compassion during the military funeral of Sgt. Eric Mitchell Honeyman.

It was a wonderful ceremony, made more so by the participation of so many individuals and organizations.

To the servicewomen and men from both the United States and Canada, the Royal Canadian Legion, the cadets, firefighters, RCMP members and civic dignitaries, thank you for your participation.

To those citizens who greeted his remains at Castlegar airport, lined the route to Trail and attended the funeral, we are very grateful.

We also thank the Trail Daily Times and reporter Liz Bevan for the coverage of what will always, to our family, be an amazing event honouring a heroic young airman.

We are proud our family roots are in such a caring community.

Scott Honeyman


On behalf of the family of Eric Honeyman

Trail Daily Times