Fantastic news for shopaholics

When the Sandown and the Jesken projects are complete we’ll be spoiled for choices when it comes to liquidating our discretionary income

Attention shoppers on the Saanich Peninsula! A golden age is upon us! When the $40 million Sandown project and the Jesken Town Centre in Central Saanich are complete we’ll be spoiled for choices when it comes to liquidating our discretionary income.

This is fantastic news for the wealthy retirees of Sidney and the affluent shopaholics of Saanichton. Cancel your flights to London, New York and Dubai! We’ll have it all here. More shopping and office space than we could ever want, need or fill.

Pay no mind to the problems at Uptown (lots of space still unleased, the condo tower suspended, traffic hassles, Best Buy gone). And as for Colwood Corners, well they had some sort of financial problem. It’s a nice hole in the ground though, surrounded by fences and gaudy ‘No Trespassing’ and ‘Keep Out’ signs. Maybe they’ll still get it off the ground though, in a few years, when the economic recovery comes.

Peter Stephens




Victoria News