Whether it's a good book, a walk through the forest, a healthy recipe or a feel-good song, the little things can bring us a sense of joy and normalcy during these uncertain times. (Corey Bullock file)

Whether it's a good book, a walk through the forest, a healthy recipe or a feel-good song, the little things can bring us a sense of joy and normalcy during these uncertain times. (Corey Bullock file)

Farm life: the little things that brought me joy in March

In celebration of the little things in life that bring us joy

At the end of every month for my Farm Life column I write a series called The Little Things that focuses on sources of joy, inspiration or entertainment for the month.

March felt like a very long month and it was trying, but staying home is just as important right now, if not more so, than it was two weeks ago. We need to flatten the curve and give our healthcare workers space, we will get through it. By focusing on the little things, I’ve found a sense of normalcy among the uncertainty.

The animals on the farm are very happy. The lambs, horses, pigs, hens and dogs are a welcome reprieve each and every day. I started working from home just over a week ago and my dog is very happy about it. Mid-afternoon walks are good for both of us right now. Walking in silence through the trees, the sun shining on my face. A deep breath. It all helps.

I started some seeds indoors two weeks ago and many have already begun sprouting. I may have to alter my plans for these plant babies though, because it’s too early yet to plant them in the ground. Nonetheless, it’s so satisfying to see the seeds sprouting.

I’m so very grateful for the humbling view of the mountains on the farm. I’ll never take for granted my ability to walk out the front door, breathe in the fresh air and take in the view. Nothing is normal or certain right now but the mountains will always be something I can find solace in.

Reading: A few weeks ago I decided to go through my extensive collection of books and start packing a few away to give to others. I discovered that between E and myself, we have many books that have been sitting on our shelves unread. Or at least unread by me. So I am endeavouring to read every novel on my shelf before I purchase a new one. Right now I am reading Sermons in Stones, Tales of Family, Friends and Fly Fishing, by David Ammons. I bought this book for E for Christmas. It’s a compilation of short stories, it’s very easy reading and Ammons takes me right out of my reading chair and onto the river.

Listening to: Lately I’ve been reverting back to some of my favourite feel-good music. One of the nice things about working from home is the fact that I can start the day with some tunes. While my coffee pours, I put something on that makes me feel happy or good. Since I’m writing about (and reading) the news all day long, I think it’s important to start the day on a high note. Whether it’s Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel, my Van Morrison playlist, or something a little more pop-esque (hello guilty pleasure, Taylor Swift), starting the day with some upbeat music feels good.

Watching: If you haven’t seen John Krasinski’s ‘Some Good News’, I suggest you watch it. Krasinski is an actor best known for his role of Jim Halpert on The Office. He started up a Facebook page and YouTube channel delivering the good news of the world. It made me laugh and tear up and it’s a nice break from the constant coronavirus news.

Also, if you haven’t seen the show Tiger King on Netflix, well, maybe don’t watch it. As an old friend of mine put it, it’s an absolute train wreck. It’s a documentary about a big cat breeder/zookeeper and all of the crazy antics he and his counterparts get up to. It’s complete and utter nonsense but for some reason I ended up watching the entire season in just a few days.

Making: In an effort to go to the grocery store as little as possible, I’ve been embracing everything in my freezer. I pulled out some frozen squash I had from last fall and made a delicious squash soup. I made an amazing stew from some beef that I didn’t quite know what to do with. I plan on using some of our frozen tomatoes this week and making my Nana’s home made pasta sauce. I have plans for making a wellington with our elk roast. Eggs are in abundance on the farm, so they are a huge part of my diet. Egg salad, quiche, home made pasta noodles, you name it. I’m trying my best to be creative with what we already have on hand.

I hope you have a happy and healthy April, filled with sunshine and warm days and positive thoughts. Let’s stay home and focus on the little things for a while.

corey.bullock@cranbrooktownsman.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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