Fast forward but not reverse

An open letter to Blair Lekstrom.

A considerable amount of money is being spent constructing a bus lane towards Vancouver.

An open letter to Transportation Minister Blair Lekstrom.

As you are no doubt aware, a considerable amount of money is being spent constructing a bus lane northbound from King George Boulevard towards Vancouver.

This involves widening the roadbed as well as a widening a number of bridges and overpasses, all of which adds up to a considerable amount of money.

I understand the interest in speeding up public transit and, in so doing, hopefully making it more attractive to the general public.

But I am mystified as to why there is no corresponding southbound lane being constructed.

Surely potential commuters are just as interested in returning to their home after a day in the city as they are anxious to get to their workplace, or is this part of a subtle and cunning plan based on the hope that once having travelled to Vancouver, they will choose never to return and in so doing, reduce the congestion on our roads?

In a similar vein, why is all this money being spent, while a short distance away on King George Boulevard there is a Bailey bridge over the Nicomekl river with a timber roadway that was built as a “temporary structure” over 20 years ago and is sufficiently dangerous that your ministry has signs posted warning of the uneven surface?


Ken Harrap, Surrey


Peace Arch News