Favouritism towards Duncan sports facilities

Isn’t it amazing that as soon as a sports facility in Duncan and/or North Cowichan is in financial trouble, it's “Good for Valley”.

Re: “Support for Sportsplex good for Valley”, (Citizen, Oct. 19)

Isn’t it amazing that as soon as a sports facility in Duncan and/or North Cowichan is in financial trouble, its existence is “Good for Valley”.

The favouritism displayed by the Cowichan Valley Citizen towards Duncan and North Cowichan makes one wonder who the owners of this paper are and where they reside? I never have seen the Cowichan Valley Citizen champion the sports facilities in the other districts and/or towns within the CVRD. Baseball diamonds and other sports facilities in smaller towns are in dire need of refurbishing.

Where was this paper when the arena in Lake Cowichan needed a new roof? The residents of the Lake district had to borrow millions of dollars to not only repair the roof, but to completely refurbish the locker rooms. And guess what? We do not charge out of towners extra for the use of the facility.

The so-called economic benefit of any sports venue, such as the 2018 BC Summer Games, is mostly to the benefit of the businesses, while ordinary citizen are paying the bill.


Hubert Crevels

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen