Fear, real or imaginary

Fear, real or imaginary

Editor, The Times:

Editor, The Times:

Our federal regressive Conservative leader, Andrew Shear, is using the illegal migrant situation, hoping to make it an election issue in Next Year’s federal election.

Could Mr. Shear also be looking for some Russian, Putin power to sway the Canadian electorate?

Preposterous to say, but some recent polling would seem to show Canadians feeling convinced of Mr. Shear’s characterization of the migrant issue, as a crisis, and are feeling convinced to lay the blame on the Trudeau Liberals. Wow! We have one Trump clone in Ontario, are we on the way to having a second Trump clone in Ottawa?

Yes, fear sells, and if we, the elector, sit back and allow this malignant cancer to invade our democratic system, we become fair game for corporate dictatorship.

As you probably know, the corporate structure is the most the most undemocratic organization in history, and is a direct threat to our Canadian democracy, when given free access to our government structure.

Wes Morden

Blackpool, B.C.

newsroom@clearwatertimes.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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