Fed spending priorities consistent

It’s indeed comforting to know that the feds remain consistent in one way or another.

It’s indeed comforting to know that the feds remain consistent in one way or another.

Certainly spending habits appear unchanged. Debatable outlays: jails and jets.

Paying consultants large amounts of money for help to trim costs, such as civil service salaries/benefits, staff spending perhaps. There is also mumbling about MP golden pensions.

Hopefully some of the cuts will actually occur, provide some funds to soften the blow of the upcoming recession for Canadian taxpayers.

And then we have our glorious submarines, those lemons bought from the Brits who no doubt were laughing all the way to their bank.

All four are now decommissioned. Adding up purchase outlay, refits, repairs and whatever else, anyone want to take a wild guess at the total tab, somewhere in the multiple millions?

I can’t help wondering how many ninnies took a peek at that project before approving the original transaction.

Don Wilkes




Goldstream News Gazette