Federal budget bill weakens Canada

Re: Rally opposes budget bill, June 5.

To the Editor,

Re: Rally opposes budget bill, June 5.

Last Saturday, I joined thousands of Canadians in more than 70 different ridings across our country and here in Nanaimo to rally against the 425-page Omnibus Budget Bill C-38.

This bill is a disguise. It in fact changes 70 different laws, some have nothing to do with budget,  it will gut the Fisheries Act, it will weaken the Environmental Protection Act, and I for one am wondering if this is all to ensure the Enbridge oil flows and the tankers are allowed on our pristine coastline.

At 68 years old, I did not think that I would be lying awake at night worrying about what would be left of “my Canada” for my grandkids.

I wish I could pinch myself and wake up from this nightmare.

For years at my house, the biggest celebration of the year was always July 1, Canada Day.  I was so proud to teach my grandkids that they live in the best country in the world.

Maybe this is just all a good decoy to take our minds off of the election fraud issue.

I am Canadian, not Conservative.

Barbara Kohlman


Nanaimo News Bulletin