John Aldag, MP, Coverdale-Langley City

John Aldag, MP, Coverdale-Langley City

Federal budget pushes jobs and training

Liberals claim better job production that predecessors, budget includes training for added boost

Dear Editor,

Since 2015, Canadians have created over 900,000 new jobs – more than the previous government at this point in their mandate.

Still, not everyone has access to the training and opportunity they need to take advantage of these new, well-paying jobs.

That is why our Government is introducing the Canada Training Benefit, a new tool to help working Canadians find the time and money to upgrade their skills and progress in their careers.

It means that working Canadians will get four weeks for training every four years – with up to $1,000 to help pay for the training; income support to help with everyday expenses; and the security of knowing they will have a job to come back to when their training is done.

For people who are in school today, Budget 2019 invests in 84,000 new work experience placements per year, to help young people learn new skills and build their resumes.

Canada’s job market and economy are changing. With Budget 2019, we are helping students and workers of all ages stay ready for good jobs today and in the future.

If you would like to view the entire Budget 2019 please click here.

John Aldag, Member of Parliament, Cloverdale-Langley City

Langley Times