Federal government committed to solving derelict boats problem

Work proceeding under the federal government's historic Oceans Protection Plan

Federal government committed to solving derelict boats problem

Federal government committed to solving derelict boats problem

Re: “Cowichan Bay company making waves over derelict boat problem”, (Citizen, Jan. 11)

I would like to address a recent article published on your website on Jan. 14, 2019 regarding the derelict boats in Cowichan Bay and set the record straight on the work we are doing under the federal government’s historic Oceans Protection Plan.

The $1.5 billion plan is a comprehensive national strategy and one which addresses abandoned and wrecked vessels in Canadian waters. It includes two short-term programs, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ $1.3 million Small Craft Harbours Abandoned and Wrecked Vessels Removal Program, and Transport Canada’s $6.85 million Abandoned Boats Program.

The Government of Canada is providing funding to organizations across Canada to remove and dispose of abandoned boats, and conduct thorough risk assessments to guide future actions on high risk vessels. The Abandoned Boats Program has so far dedicated close to $704,000 to assess and remove vessels in British Columbia, and more than $110,000 in all of the Atlantic Provinces.

Through the Oceans Protection Plan, the Government of Canada introduced the national strategy that is Bill C-64, the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act. In fact, Bill C-64 is in the final stages of the Parliamentary process. Once passed, this Act would make abandoning a vessel illegal, with financial and other consequences for their owners.

The Government of Canada is working in consultation with coastal communities, Indigenous peoples and local governments to ensure owners are held responsible for their boats, including their proper disposal, and to reduce the financial burden on taxpayers. Collectively, these measures are reducing the number of problem vessels that pose environmental, health and safety or other hazards in Canadian waters.

Our coasts and waterways are one of our most valuable resources. They should be free of pollution and hazards, such as those posed by abandoned and wrecked boats. The Government of Canada is acting responsibly and proactively to protect our coasts for this generation and generations to come.

For a full list of the approved projects under the Abandoned Boats Program, please visit our site: http://www.tc.gc.ca/en/campaigns/abandoned-boats-program-approved-projects.html

The Honourable Marc Garneau

Minister of Transport

Cowichan Valley Citizen