
Feds need to focus on COVID

That is not their prerogative and not their right.

Feds need to focus on COVID

The recent statement by Chrystia Freeland that COVID-19 has presented an “opportunity” to advance policies she would like to see implemented is disgraceful. It is a perfect example of the political opportunism and tone deaf quality of the present government. COVID has ended lives and businesses, destroyed the equilibrium of Canadian communities and divided the country, not to mention crippling our economy and placing us in the position of having been perceived as incompetent in failing to have an adequate response to a serious international pandemic.

Thanks to that same response, plus the internationally embarrassing and incorrect statement recently made by Justin Trudeau that Britain is entering a third wave of infection, we have become the poster child of what not to do in a crisis and a laughing stock to many overseas.

But the real crisis is embodied not only in the Liberal government’s mismanagement of the COVID pandemic. The real crisis lies in the opportunistic and callous attempt by this Liberal government to advance their woke ideology and force their ever growing left of centre sentiments and policies on the nation.

That is not their prerogative and not their right. The government needs to deal with the COVID crisis, not use it to advance their partisan interests. More and more it is becoming apparent that they are not doing their job while failing the nation.

Perry Foster


Cowichan Valley Citizen