Feed-back for the District of Barriere Mayor

Reader comments on Barriere Mayor's July 30, 2012, column 'As The Mayor Sees It'

To the editor:

After reading the most recent writing “As the Mayor sees it”, I find it ironic his worship suggests he would prefer not to waste time and resources be-labouring his fixation on the Louis Creek industrial park issue and move forward.

Yet here we are again, revisiting this issue, requiring the Mayor to write 10 paragraphs or 721 words outlining the perils his council face.

I trust the Mayor will generate the same level of energy to resolve matters or focus his attentions on activities that will represent actual work undertaken by his worship in order that his efforts can be weighted and measured.

I remind the Mayor, he was inaugurated on December 5, 2011, and respectfully ask that he stop his political grand standing and smear campaign.  I am getting sick and tired of hearing the Mayor’s same old rhetoric.  Let us not forget the Mayor campaigned on this very issue.

Who are the people the Mayor blames?  A subversive group of ignorant troglodytes, a prime evil sect hell bent on destroying Barriere, or could it be the former mayor and elected councillors?

Can you imagine the frustration of those councillors, many of whom remain on council, having to listen and read the Mayor’s incessant whining?  Mr. Mayor, it is what it is, now get on with it!

Setting aside the “Louis Creek” topic, let us reflect upon the work achieved by the former mayor, councillors and District administration team during this period of time.  Significant funding was secured (several million), through a number of sources which will serve to capitalize infrastructure upgrades – outstanding results.  Having some knowledge of capital (funding) procurement, I can assure readers the process is challenging, requiring attention to detail and tenacity.

Let’s look at the downtown corridor, more notably the park area, what a wonderful transformation, linking the library, community garden, ball parks and senior’s centre.  Stand up and take a bow, it looks great and provides charm and character to the downtown area.

The bandshell, another excellent addition offering an outside venue to celebrate music, arts, and political, cultural rallies for all uses – first class.  I commend Councillor Sabyan for her efforts promoting this venue – most excellent. I salute the former mayor, councillors and the District’s administrative team for their exceptional results, well done and thank you for your service.

Now in the immortal words of our new Mayor “it is far better to go forward”.  In so far that the Mayor desires input from local constituents/tax payers, I recommend he use his mayoralty writings, “As the Mayor sees it” to provide up-dates on his efforts and what action/accomplishment/funding activities are being achieved or initiated during his term as Mayor.

Now remember your worship, we are talking about activities generated during your tenure.  Let’s not take credit for any work that wasn’t conducted on your watch.  Don’t want any confusion with – you know, “those other people’s work”.

Perhaps at the anniversary of your first year (November 5, 2012) you might indulge us with a sneak peak of your economic development plan.  To be candid, I am disappointed that you are now just beginning to commence this activity.

I trust you will enlist support from your esteemed colleagues to assist you in this process, many of whom possess solid skill sets and offer experience far beyond your eight months in office.  Perhaps, when you see fit to stop complaining and belly aching about others, and look to “git-r-dun”, or at a minimum, get something done, they will help guide you.

With respect to the Mayor’s comments suggesting “there are no funds for any additional initiatives or for staff time – I as Mayor will do the work of organizing the local economic plan”.  Wow, oddly, I thought that was the role of the Mayor, after all your worship, you do receive the highest level of compensation.  I guess we owe the Mayor a debt of gratitude for this imposition.  I hope it doesn’t interfere with matters that currently occupy his time.

Mr. Mayor, you have been heard loud and clear.  I suggest you talk less and do more.  Given your keen sense of observation and all that you have learned from those who served before you, coupled with your gripping command of the economy and your vast knowledge of real estate matters, I wait with baited breath for you to deliver Barriere from salvation.

I believe all of whom served on council prior to your appointment have given the community a lasting legacy.  What will yours be?

Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think… and yeah, I really do think.


Pete Gardner

Barriere, B.C.



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